Guys please note our new chat rules and current FAQ:. Only English here please.

04 Mar 2022, 16:35
Guys please note our new chat rules and current FAQ: 1. Only English here please 2. There is no exact dates on when the accounts of users from Russia and Belarus will be unfrozen 3. If your account was frozen by mistake or you are not a citizen of Russia or Belarus - go through the KYC to confirm this and we will open your account back again 4. Users who speak in a rude tone or use obscene statements will be banned 5. Insulting users and admins is prohibited 6. This is not a place to complain 7. Our team has the right not to answer incorrect or provocative questions 8. We can delete any texts without disclosing any reasons 9. Do not spam Also, this chat is not available 24/7, it works only when the moderators are online.